Citesc de ceva vreme, destul de multa, un mare manual de securitate, CompTIA Security+.

O sa dezvolt, acum nu prea am timp. Insa nu vreau sa uit, asa ca iata un pasaj interesant:

“In the original Walking Tall movies, the sheriff put small strips of clear tape on the hood of his car. Before getting in the vehicle, he would check the difficult-to-detect tape to see if it was broken—if it was, it tipped him off that someone had been messing beneath the hood,and that saved his life.”

Asta e un exemplu de IDS primitiv. 🙂 IDS “means” Intrusion Detection System, adica un sistem reactiv sau proactiv, asa cum e definit in CompTia, de detectare a intruziunilor. In momentul in care este detectat un atac asupra retelei, sistemul trimite alerte.

Tot de aici am aflat ca la vremea la care s-a lansat Star Wars, A New Hope, cele mai utilizate parole au fost R2D2 si C3PO. Era perfect, nu le stia nimeni.